Achal Toothpaste is Concerned specially for the People who having problems related to tooth and oral care. This Toothpaste is very Effective Because It is capable of solving all types of tooth problems. It contains herbs like Akarkara and Laung which specially helps for the toothache(Tooth Pain), for the infected tooth or cavity. It is a pain relief herbs which is included in this Toothpaste. It contains BABUL which is powerful for the oral care and make the teeth stronger. It also reduces the Plaque accumulation. It cures the pain of Teeth, gums and molar areas. Vajdradanti included in this toothpaste which is powerful for the Gingivitis (Inflammation of Gums), Pain in Molar area, effective for the plaque, bacteria and inflammation of tooth, gums or molar areas. This toothpaste Cures and controls the Cold water sensations. It also reduces the flow of pus, also it is special and is capable to treat the pyorrhea disease. During chewing, some problems occurs that comes during chewing, it also cure the chewing related problems.