It provides relief from Many types of pain. It has the results in the Chronic pain which are from long times (about 2 to 3 years). It contains Gandhpura patra oil which is powerful in acute rheumatism, sciatica and neuralgia. It is used in aches and pains, local inflammatory swellings, neuralgic pain, pleurodynia, myalgia, itching, and swelling and stiffness of the joints. Contains Peppermint satva which is known for the relief in muscle pain nad Headache.
How to use? :-
Take Achal Pain Balm and apply on the affected area then massage it from 15 to 20 minutes till it gets absorbed into the skin.
Uses :-
Achal Pain Balm can be used for Molar tooth pain. Take Achal Pain Balm as per your requirement and apply on cheek then massage it for 15 to 20minutes till it get absorbed in the cheek skin. It will give fast results, just after the massage of 15 to 20 minutes Take a cotton cloth and heat it and roast it on the painful area, then tie the cotton cloth. Repeat this process regularly after the massage.
Some Remedies that will help to Get relief from Pain. Cloves, Ginger, Turmeric are the best herb for the pain relief. Gently apply these on affected area.